Blog & News


June 11, 2024
Dr Rony Lindell is Medical Director at Klinik Healthcare Solutions and a practising GP. The pressures on primary care teams are rising. The combination of steady growth in patient demand, increased complexity of patient care needs, and limits on the availability of full-time, fully qualified GPs has put efficiency at more of a premium than ever.  Even before the emergence of large language models, artificial intelligence held huge potential for add...
April 10, 2024
Primary care is in the midst of its most significant period of transformation in decades. Faced with limited funding and skyrocketing patient demand, the sector has been exploring new opportunities to introduce efficiencies and improve the delivery model for primary care for over a decade. Charged with delivering more collaborative, integrated healthcare services, primary care networks (PCNs) aim to bring together GP practices with services in the communi...
April 10, 2024
As more and more people grow used to the convenience and ease of accessing services online, they’ve come to expect that seeking healthcare should be no different.  In part as a result of the rollout of digital access to primary care through digital tools including the NHS app and practice websites, that expectation is becoming more and more the reality – in London alone, 3 out of 4 people now use digital tools to interact with their GP practice. For p...
January 10, 2024
Primary care teams are facing enormous pressure to improve access to their services, but, for many practices, the resource required to do so appears to be thin on the ground.  The downward trend in the numbers of full-time, fully qualified GPs working in practices has continued, evidenced by the 254 GPs the British Medical Association reports as having left the profession in the year to September 2023.  Meanwhile, demand has continued to rise, putting...
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"Even our most ardent doubters have seen that demand can be successfully managed with online triage."
Martin Eades, Managing Partner
Priory Medical Group