Blog & News


November 17, 2019
Patients from Haxby Group’s Gale Farm and Old Forge Surgeries in York, city in northeast England, can now contact their GP more easily, thanks to a brand new 24h online consultation service. While accessible to 1.5 million people in Finland, this is the first example of Klinik Access in the UK. The new online service will allow Gale Farm and Old Forge surgery patients to get same day access to their GP. “We’re really excited about introducing this new...
August 8, 2019
Finland is a forerunner of using the latest artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in public healthcare. Using the service, called Klinik Access, has made the work of nurses and doctors more efficient in over 300 healthcare centres in Finland. The service has freed up the healthcare professionals’ time for the actual treatment work and patient care. After 18 months of usage, Klinik Access has demonstrated its usefulness at a health centre in the city ...
April 11, 2019
NHS GP waiting times are at their all-time worst but things are set to improve as the leading Nordic tech firm Klinik Healthcare Solutions, launches a ground breaking algorithm to take charge of the triage process and automate patient flow for ultimate efficiency. It would not be a day of the week without some media coverage uncovering raging inefficiencies and a shortage of resources in the NHS: doctors, nurses and entire medical teams overstretched natio...
January 1, 2019
Wider use of digital health services is sometimes prevented by the people’s distrust of technology and doubts about the adequacy of their own skills in using digital tools. Many people still do not believe that technology-based contact in healthcare could be as reliable as directly speaking with a nurse or a doctor at the practice. People can also be daunted by the large variety of digital services available. According to a National Institute for Health ...
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"Even our most ardent doubters have seen that demand can be successfully managed with online triage."
Martin Eades, Managing Partner
Priory Medical Group
"We understand our patients like never before. We now have data on the true demand we face in general practice. We have the tools to share that workload across the whole primary care network."
Martin Eades, Managing Partner
Priory Medical Group
"We are seeing 8,000 more patients compared to the same time last year thanks to Klinik, and doing so with the same level of resources."
Martin Eades, Managing Partner
Priory Medical Group
“The system enables our clinicians to review the information provided by patients, and provides a suggested priority level. This allows us to ensure we have the patient see the right person at the right time.”
Dr. Azhar Ali, Managing Partner
Forth Medical Group
"Together with Klinik, we have invested the energy to make it the way we want it to be, and now we are seeing the results.”
Dr Sarmad Zaidi
Roxbourne Medical Centre
“Now Klinik is in place, we don’t ever want to go back. Our reception staff feel less pressured to act according to patient expectations, and the whole team feels that they are better placed to deal with all incoming queries. We can breathe now.”
Trupti Chauhan, Operations Manager
Roxbourne Medical Centre
"Now we know what the demand is, we can see what changes need to be made, and we can manage expectation and optimise the journey for every patient. We can assign the right level of resources to deal with the enquiry, and use the most expensive resource where it’s most effective."
Trupti Chauhan, Operations Manager
Roxbourne Medical Centre
“Feedback from other practices using the system was very positive, especially how responsive the company was to people’s needs.”
Dr Michael Curran, GP partner
Church Street Medical Centre
“For any other practice I would say this would make a valuable addition to the practice. In the current environment, it is becoming essential to have an efficient triage service that can assess risk and identify urgency, so that care can be given according to need, rather than demand. I would strongly recommend this to any GP practice.”
Dr Michael Curran, GP partner
Church Street Medical Centre
"With the Klinik online consultation service, we can now get the correct patient to the correct point of care in the most efficient way."
Dr Thomas Patel-Campbell
Haxby Group